Energy Information Administration EIA-412 Data Layout Data Field Field Field Comments Location Name Type from/to left/right 1-2 FIPS numeric state code 1-10 utility numeric 10 digit utility code includes code 2 digit FIPS state code 11-12 schedule numeric Schedule numbers written as number Roman numbers on form 13-15 line numeric total lines on schedules 5 and 7 number are represented by line number 999, regardless, of the number of lines 16-16 column numeric number 17-17 filler numeric 18-29 amount numeric/ negative numbers have an alpha alpha in the last field: J=1, K=2, L=3, M=4, N=5, O=6, P=7,Q=8, R=9 e.g. -1663 appears as 166L) 30-31 state alpha abbrev. 33-37 account numeric used by EIA for editing numbers 47-76 company alpha/ name numeric 79-80 year numeric current year in all records