The vehicle and noise 50 stop data file ( contains the the following fields: RouteDataID Data identification number; unique for each unique combination of countrynum region, route, RPID, and year. CountryNum The three-digit numeric code that identifies the country where route is located. StateNum The two digit numeric code that identifies the state, province, or territory where the route is located. Route The three digit code that identifies the route. RPID Run Protocol Identification Number. See RunProtocolID.txt file. Year The year the route was sampled. CarsRecorded Indicates whether observer recorded vehicles while sampling route (1=yes, 0=no; null or blank value indicates that observer did not indicate whether vehicle data was collected.). Car1...Car50 The number of vehicles recorded passing each stop of the route during 3-min count. Noise1...Noise50 Indicates whether excessive noise was reported at stop during 3-minute count (1=yes, 0 or null =no) Fifty Stop vehicle and noise data began to be systematically collected thru years 1997 - present.