The Route file contains the following columns: Column Description CountryNum The three digit numerical code that idenitifies the country where the route is located. StateNum The two digit numerical code that identifies the state, province, or territory where the route is located. Route The three digit code that identifies the route. Routename The name of the route. Active 1 if the route is currently active, 0 if it is not. A route can be "active" and still not be sampled in a given year. Latitude The latitude of the route start point in decimal degrees. Longitude The longitude of the route start point in decimal degrees. Stratum The BBS physiographic stratum code for that route. See BBSStrata.txt file for more information BCR The Bird Conservation Region where the route is located. LandTypeID Indicates type of land that a route, or a portion of route, is located (e.g., FWS, NPS, etc.) Not currently available. RouteTypeID Indicates route substrate. 1 = Roadside 2 = Water 3 = Off-road RouteTypeDetailID Indicates route length and selection criteria (i.e., random vs. non-random) 1 = Random in Degree Block, 50 Stops 2 = Random in Mgmt Unit, 50 Stops 3 = Non-Random, 50 Stops 4 = Mini-Route, Random in Degree Block 5 = Mini-Route, Random in Mgmt Unit 6 = Mini-Route, Non-Random There is one record in the Route file per BBS route.