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FY2017 Hypothetical Small Area FMRs For Kings County, NY

In metropolitan areas, HUD defines Small Areas using ZIP Codes within the metropolitan area. Using ZIP codes as the basis for FMRs provides tenants with greater ability to move into ?Opportunity Neighborhoods? with jobs, public transportation, and good schools. They also provide for multiple payment standards within a metropolitan area, and they are likely to reduce need for extensive market area rent reasonableness studies. Lastly, HUD hopes that setting FMRs for each ZIP code will reduce overpayment in lower-rent areas.

Kings County is part of the New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA MSA.

Kings County, NY Hypothetical Small Area FMRs By Unit Bedrooms
ZIP Code Efficiency One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom Four-Bedroom ZIP/CBSA Ratio
11201 $1,900 $2,020 $2,330 $2,990 $3,370 1.517
11202 $1,200 $1,270 $1,470 $1,890 $2,130 0.948
11203 $1,120 $1,200 $1,380 $1,770 $2,000 0.887
11204 $1,160 $1,240 $1,430 $1,840 $2,070 0.922
11205 $1,420 $1,510 $1,740 $2,240 $2,520 1.121
11206 $1,110 $1,180 $1,360 $1,750 $1,970 0.877
11207 $1,150 $1,220 $1,410 $1,810 $2,040 0.908
11208 $1,180 $1,260 $1,450 $1,860 $2,100 0.931
11209 $1,280 $1,360 $1,570 $2,020 $2,270 1.012
11210 $1,090 $1,160 $1,340 $1,720 $1,940 0.863
11211 $1,480 $1,580 $1,820 $2,340 $2,630 1.168
11212 $1,080 $1,150 $1,330 $1,710 $1,920 0.855
11213 $1,090 $1,160 $1,340 $1,720 $1,940 0.862
11214 $1,110 $1,180 $1,360 $1,750 $1,970 0.876
11215 $1,770 $1,890 $2,180 $2,800 $3,150 1.401
11216 $1,150 $1,220 $1,410 $1,810 $2,040 0.910
11217 $1,790 $1,910 $2,200 $2,830 $3,180 1.414
11218 $1,300 $1,390 $1,600 $2,060 $2,310 1.027
11219 $1,190 $1,270 $1,460 $1,880 $2,110 0.936
11220 $1,180 $1,260 $1,450 $1,860 $2,100 0.932
11221 $1,190 $1,270 $1,460 $1,880 $2,110 0.936
11222 $1,460 $1,560 $1,800 $2,310 $2,600 1.158
11223 $1,100 $1,170 $1,350 $1,730 $1,950 0.869
11224 $940 $1,010 $1,160 $1,490 $1,680 0.744
11225 $1,110 $1,190 $1,370 $1,760 $1,980 0.880
11226 $1,110 $1,190 $1,370 $1,760 $1,980 0.879
11228 $1,230 $1,310 $1,510 $1,940 $2,180 0.969
11229 $1,140 $1,210 $1,400 $1,800 $2,030 0.903
11230 $1,190 $1,270 $1,460 $1,880 $2,110 0.939
11231 $1,780 $1,900 $2,190 $2,810 $3,170 1.411
11232 $1,270 $1,350 $1,560 $2,000 $2,260 1.004
11233 $1,120 $1,200 $1,380 $1,770 $2,000 0.887
11234 $1,270 $1,350 $1,560 $2,000 $2,260 1.002
11235 $1,140 $1,210 $1,400 $1,800 $2,030 0.901
11236 $1,290 $1,370 $1,580 $2,030 $2,290 1.016
11237 $1,230 $1,310 $1,510 $1,940 $2,180 0.973
11238 $1,420 $1,520 $1,750 $2,250 $2,530 1.129
11239 $1,110 $1,190 $1,370 $1,760 $1,980 0.879
11243 $1,200 $1,270 $1,470 $1,890 $2,130 0.948
11247 $1,200 $1,270 $1,470 $1,890 $2,130 0.948
11249 $1,200 $1,270 $1,470 $1,890 $2,130 0.948
11425 $1,200 $1,270 $1,470 $1,890 $2,130 0.948

* Small Area FMRs presented with an asterisk are calculated in accordance with the Guidance For Preparing Comments on Small Area FMRs available at here.

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