FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff List

Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
Company NameTariff TitleProgramStatusXMLExport
LE Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Lea Power Partners, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Leaf River Cellulose, LLC Georgia-Pacific Entities Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Leaf River Energy Center LLC Leaf River Energy Center LLC, FERC Gas Tariff NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Leaning Juniper Wind Power II LLC Leaning Juniper II MBR Tariffs Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Lee 8 Storage Partnership Statement of Operating Conditions NGPA GasEffective XML RTF
Legacy Reserves Operating LP Oil Pipeline Tariffs OilEffective XML RTF
Lempster Wind, LLC Lempster MBR Tariffs Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Lexington Power & Light, LLC Market Based Rates Electric MBREffective XML RTF
LG&E Energy Marketing Inc. Energy Marketing Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Electric Power, LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Gas Storage, LLC Liberty Gas Storage LLC Gas Tariff NGA GasCancelled XML RTF
Liberty Hill Power LLC Market Based Rates Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Power Delaware LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Power District of Columbia LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Power Holdings LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Power Maryland LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Power Wholesale Supply, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC CalPeco Rate Schedule No. 5 Electric TCS and MBRCancelled XML RTF
Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC Rate Schedules and Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF