FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff List

Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
Company NameTariff TitleProgramStatusXMLExport
Southern California Edison Company Resale of Transmission on Non-Jurisdictional Systems Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern California Gas Company FERC Section 284.224 Service NGPA GasCancelled XML RTF
Southern California Gas Company FERC 284.224 NGPA GasEffective XML RTF
Southern California Telephone Company Market-Based Rates Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Company - Florida LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Electric Generating Company Cost Based Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Energy Solution Group, LLC Southern Energy Market Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Inc. Market-Based Rate Tariff of Southern Indiana Gas & Elec Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Inc. Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company Ancillary Servi Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern LNG Company, L.L.C. SLNG FERC Gas Tariff NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Southern Natural Gas Company, L.L.C. SNG FERC Tariff Volume 1 NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Southern Power Company Cost Based Rate Tariffs Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Power Company Market Based Rate Tariff Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc. Tariff Provisions NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Southern Turner Cimarron I, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
SouthTex 66 Pipeline Company, Ltd. SouthTex 66 Tariffs OilEffective XML RTF
Southwest Gas Storage Company Second Revised Volume No. 1 NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Southwest Gas Transmission Company, A Limited Part SGTC - Second Revised Volume No. 2 NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Governing Documents Tariff Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. Open Access Transmission Tariff, Sixth Revised Volume N Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF