FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff List

Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
Company NameTariff TitleProgramStatusXMLExport
Cosima Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Coso Geothermal Power Holdings, LLC Coso Geothermal Power Holdings, LLC MBR Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Cotton Valley Compression, L.L.C. FERC Gas Tariff, First Revised Volume No. 1 NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Cottonwood Creek, Inc. Oil Pipeline Tariffs OilCancelled XML RTF
Cottonwood Energy Company LP FERC Market Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Cottonwood Solar, LLC Tariffs and Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Delano, Inc. Covanta Delano Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Delaware Valley, L.P. Covanta Delaware Valley Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Energy Marketing LLC Covanta Marketing Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Essex Company Covanta Essex Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Fairfax, Inc. Tariff and Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Haverhill Associates, LP Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Hempstead Company Covanta Hempstead Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Maine, LLC Covanta Maine Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Niagara, L.P. Covanta Niagara Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Plymouth Renewable Energy Limited Partners Covanta Plymouth Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Covanta Power, LLC Covanta Power Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBRCancelled XML RTF
Covanta Union, LLC Covanta Union Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Cow Branch Wind Power, LLC Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Coyote Canyon Energy LLC Coyote Canyon Energy, LLC FERC Electric Tariff Volume N Electric MBREffective XML RTF