FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff List

Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
Company NameTariff TitleProgramStatusXMLExport
Abest Power & Gas, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
ABN Energy, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Database Electric MBREffective XML RTF
AC Landfill Energy, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff Electric MBRCancelled XML RTF
Acacia Natural Gas, L.L.C. 311 Statement of Operating Conditions NGPA GasEffective XML RTF
Acadian Gas Pipeline System NGPA Gas NGPA GasEffective XML RTF
Accent Energy Midwest II LLC Market Based Rates Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Adelanto Solar II, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Adelanto Solar, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Energy Partners, Inc. Rate Schedule FERC No. 1 Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Energy, Inc. FERC Electric MBR Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Generating Company RS and SA Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Generation Resources Inc. Tariff Database Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Retail Energy Partners LLC AEP Retail Energy Partners MBR Baseline Electric MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Texas Central Company FERC Electric Tariff Volume No. 8 Market Based Rat Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Texas Central Company OATT Concurrence Filing Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Texas Central Company TCC RS and SA Baseline Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Texas Inc. RS and SA Electric TCS and MBRPending XML RTF
AEP Texas North Company OATT Concurrence Filing Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
AEP Texas North Company TNC RS and SA Baseline Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Aequitas Energy, Inc. Market Based Rates Electric MBREffective XML RTF