FERC SealFederal Energy Regulatory Commission
Tariff List Tariff Section Search

Tariff List

Tariff Program Company Name
Tariff Status Tariff Title
Company NameTariff TitleProgramStatusXMLExport
Invenergy Cannon Falls LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Invenergy Energy Management LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Invenergy Nelson LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Invenergy TN LLC FERC Market Based Rate Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Ioway Energy, LLC FERC Electric MBR Tariff Electric MBREffective XML RTF
IPA Trading, LLC Market-Based Rate Tariff of IPA Trading, Inc. Electric MBRCancelled XML RTF
Iron Energy LLC Market Based Rates Electric MBRCancelled XML RTF
Iron Horse Battery Storage, LLC Market Base Rate Tariff Electric MBRPending XML RTF
Iron Horse Battery Storage, LLC Market-Base Rate Tariff Electric MBRPending XML RTF
Iron Springs Solar, LLC Rate Schedules and Tariffs Electric MBREffective XML RTF
Ironwood Windpower, LLC Tariffs, Rate Schedules and Service Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. NGA GasEffective XML RTF
Iroquois Gas Transmission System, L.P. Original Volume - Agreements NGA GasCancelled XML RTF
ISO New England Inc. ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets and Services Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
ISO New England Inc. ISO New England Inc. Agreements and Contracts Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
ISO Trader, LLC Market-Based Rates Tariff Electric MBRCancelled XML RTF
ITC Great Plains, LLC Tariff and Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
ITC Interconnection LLC ITCI Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
ITC Midwest LLC ITC Midwest Agreements Electric TCS and MBREffective XML RTF
ITC Pipeline Company, LLC ITC Pipeline Company, LLC FERC ICA Oil Tariff OilEffective XML RTF