B. Tape Specifications and Data Format The Itemized Record (Individual/Candidate Contributions) infor- mation hass been stored on tape in the following manner: Standard Labels ODD PARITY EBCDIC LRECL = 180 char 9 Track BLKSIZE = 3960 char 6250 BPI REC/BLK = 22 The variables have been formatted in the following ways: Mnemonics Currently Used by the Field Commission Variable Columns Desc. --------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM-FILER Identification Number 1-9 x(9) ITEM-AMEND Amendment Indicator 10 x ITEM-REPT Report Type 11-13 xxx ITEM-PGI Primary-General Indicator 14 x ITEM-MICRO Microfilm Location (YYOORRRFFFF) 15-25 9(11) ITEM-TRANS Transaction Type 26-28 xxx ITEM-NAME Contributor/Lender/Transfer Name 29-62 x(34) ITEM-STR Street Address 63-96 x(34) ITEM-CTY City/Town 97-114 x(18) ITEM-ST State 115-116 xx ITEM-ZIP Zip Code 117-121 9(5) ITEM-OCCU Occupation 122-156 x(35) IT-TMN Transaction Date - Month 157-158 99 IT-TDY Transaction Date - Day 159-160 99 IT-TYY Transaction Date - Year 161-162 99 ITEM-AMT Amount 163-168 s9(6) ITEM-OID Other Identification Number 169-177 x(9) Filler 178-180 x(3)